Active Project List

Project List

Project Access Requests can be submitted up to the Project Bid Date
Projects which are highlighted have already been bid - Project Information will only be listed for 30 days after the Bid Date

Project Number Client Name - Project Name - Description Location Bid Date

0240385.00 Village of Dieterich - Village Hall Roof Replacement
This project consists of construction of reroofing of the village of Dieterich Village Hall located at 103 W Section Street, Dieterich, IL 62424. The total area of the roof is approximately 3,915 SF.
Dieterich, IL 13-SEP-2024

0240401.00 Village of Phoenix, Illinois - CDBG 7th Avenue Watermain Replacement
The Project scope includes watermain replacement of approximately 900 feet along Seventh Avenue between 152nd Street and to 153rd Street in the Village of Phoenix. Work specifically involves installation of a new watermain via trenchless construction (HDD), replacing hydrants, water service reconnections, curb and sidewalk removal and replacement and abandon of the existing watermain.
Phoenix, IL 19-SEP-2024

0211535.00 City of Calumet City, Illinois - River Oaks Interconnect Water Main Project
The work generally consists of installing approximately 355 lineal feet of 8-inch Ductile Iron PC 52 Water Main. This work also includes valves, fittings, trenchless installation by jack and bore, and various surface restoration including pavement.
Calumet City, IL 26-SEP-2024

0230942.01 Pekin Park District - Rotary Park Renovations
This project consists of selective site demolition, asphalt pavement crack repair and overlay, concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, pad and ramps with railing, stormwater utilities, fencing and turf restoration.

Coordination with Owner to offload playground equipment at off-site storage location and loading & transporting Playground Equipment from storage location to park site at time of installation by others.
Pekin, IL 26-SEP-2024

0180746.00 City of Pekin, Illinois - Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Improvements Ph 3B & 3C
The project consists of construction activities associated with the installation of 2035 feet of 72" pipe from Fayette Street to Court Street; 1076 feet of 60" pipe and 197 feet of 48" pipe from Court Street to Caroline Street, 482 feet of 30" forcemain from Caroline Street to State Street, and other miscellaneous piping revisions. Concrete construction includes several subgrade structures, modifications to existing structures, and precast structures. Other construction activities include demolition of buried foundations, excavation, pavement removal and replacement, fencing removal and replacement, clearing and grubbing, dewatering, bypass pumping, traffic control building extension, mechanical modifications, electrical, control panels, and instrumentation. There are two railroad crossings in the project including bore and jack installation of 68" and 32" casing pipes. The project includes day-to-day coordination with the railroad.
Pekin, IL 29-OCT-2024
