For additional project information or assistance, please contact: Jeanne Rexroat - ph: (309)663-8435
UIUC Mathews Avenue Lift Station
Project Number:
University of Illinois
Mathews Ave. lift station - east side of Mathews between Green St. and Springfield Ave, near the Boneyard Creek.
The project is located on the east side of Mathews Avenue, about 375 feet north of W. Green Street in Champaign, Illinois. The work included in the base bid governed by these specifications shall include all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and the performance of all operations necessary to satisfactorily complete the site work improvements as shown on the Drawings. This project will remove the existing pumps, valving and piping and replace with new 2000 gpm submersible pumps, valving, and piping in the lift station.
Electronic Bids will be received up to the hour of 2:00 PM, prevailing time, on 9/3/2024 for Contract Division(s)
Contract Division 05 - Electrical Work
Electronic Bids will be received up to the hour of 2:00 PM, prevailing time,
on 9/5/2024, for Contract Division
Contract Division 02 - Plumbing Work.
Electronic Bid Opening. Division(s) 05 - Electrical Work electronic bids will be electronically opened and publicly read on 9/3/2024 / 02:30 PM on a Zoom call-in
telephone number Meeting ID: 880 4723 0993, Password:1867, Phone number:
312 626 6799 and tabulated. Additionally, Division 02 - Plumbing Work electronic
bids will be electronically opened and publicly read on 9/5/2024 / 2:30 PM on a
Zoom call-in telephone number Meeting ID: 865 5900 6279, Password:1867,
Phone number: 312 626 6799 and tabulated. A recording of the bid opening is available upon request.
Plan Holders List is Updated Daily by 10:00am CST
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