Active Project List

Project List

Project Access Requests can be submitted up to the Project Bid Date
Projects which are highlighted have already been bid - Project Information will only be listed for 30 days after the Bid Date

Project Number Client Name - Project Name - Description Location Bid Date

Section 25-00328-00-RS City of Champaign, IL - 2025 Bituminous Street Improvements
Project consists of asphalt surface removal, pavement removal, hot-mix asphalt resurfacing, slurry seal, micro-surfacing, pavement patching, curb & gutter replacement, sidewalk replacement, pavement markings, and miscellaneous work items. IDOT prequalification required for bidding.
Various City Streets 23-JAN-2025

02402171.001 Dunlap Community Unit School District #323 - Dunlap Grade School Paving
This project consists Asphalt pavement rehabilitation (mill and overlay) and re-striping for playground and parking lot at Dunlap Grade School, approximately 6,000 square yards.
Dunlap, IL 28-JAN-2025

0240248.02 Urbana Park District - Kickapoo Rail Trail Trailhead Pavilion
Furnish all labor and materials to construct the Kickapoo Rail Trail Trailhead Pavilion, located in Urbana, IL. The pavilion will be a new prefabricated steel site shelter that will provide restrooms and drinking fountains for visitors of the trail. A janitorial room with mop sink will be provided for facility maintenance and storage. The structure will consist of concrete foundations and a slab on grade. The exterior walls will be constructed of a mix of split-faced and standard concrete masonry unit (CMU) and fiber cement siding. Site demolition work includes removal of portions of existing gravel parking areas, existing wood site fencing, and existing trees as indicated on the contract documents. New site improvements include providing an area of concrete paved parking, new concrete paths to connect the pavilion to the existing trail system, grading, seeding and an area of new plantings.
2205 East Main Street, Urbana, IL 61802 29-JAN-2025

0240248.03 Champaign County Forest Preserve District - Kickapoo Rail Trail Tree Removal
Project consists of tree removal along a proposed bike trail in an old railroad corridor. IDOT prequalification required for bidding.
Champaign and Vermilion Counties 06-FEB-2025

02402233.000 Housing Authority of the City of Bloomington, IL - HACB Irvin Apartments Window Replacement
Housing Authority of the City of Bloomington is inviting sealed bid proposals from interested and qualified parties for Irvin Apartments Window Replacement, located at 823 W Oakland & 810 W Jackson, Bloomington, Illinois 61704. This project consists of construction of replace all windows throughout both buildings of the existing facility.
Bloomington, IL 12-FEB-2025

0180179.10 Housing Authority of the City of Bloomington, IL - HACB Wood Hill Family Apartments Sidewalk & Porch Replacement
This project consists of exterior renovation of two-story multi-family units, generally including all labor, supervision, materials, supplies, transportation, equipment and services necessary and required as set forth in the contract documents. The project contains a base bid and an alternate bid as outlined below and as indicated on the contract documents.
Bloomington, IL 14-FEB-2025

02402181.001 Lifelong Access - Lifelong Access New Location Improvements
This project consists of Interior renovation of existing office and conference room. Renovation includes interior finishes and minor wall reconfiguration. Exterior improvements include parking lot extension.
4128 S. Airport Road, Bartonville, Illinois 25-FEB-2025

02401728.001 City of Marshall - City of Marshall - Lead Service Replacement
The work for lead service replacement generally consists of removal and replacement of galvanized services and lead appurtenances at various location throughout the City. The general work will include but not limited to the furnishing and installation of new water service line, new water service connections to existing lines, new yokes, new meter pits, and relocation of existing meter pit for new service line and connection. There will be replumbing needed at specific location as shown or listed on the maps. The new service line replacement and connections will be based on field conditions per each replacement to allow for the most ideal replacement location based on complexity of each various location. This work also includes surface restoration with various pavements, curbing, and sidewalks. This work shall include all labor, supervision, materials, supplies, transportation, equipment, and services necessary and required to perform the project as set forth in the Contract Documents.
City of Marshall 25-FEB-2025

0231412.00 Village of Roanoke, IL - 200,000 Gallon Elevated Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of the interior and exterior elevated tank coatings.
Roanoke, IL 26-FEB-2025

0240361.00 Rooks Creek Community CSD 425 - Rooks Creek Grade School HVAC
The Project consists of HVAC and electrical upgrades and window replacement.
Graymont, IL 03-MAR-2025
