Project Information

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For additional project information or assistance, please contact: Jeanne Rexroat  Email Me - ph: (309)663-8435 

City of Marshall - Lead Service Replacement
Project Number: 02401728.001

Client: City of Marshall

Location: City of Marshall    

Description: The work for lead service replacement generally consists of removal and replacement of galvanized services and lead appurtenances at various location throughout the City. The general work will include but not limited to the furnishing and installation of new water service line, new water service connections to existing lines, new yokes, new meter pits, and relocation of existing meter pit for new service line and connection. There will be replumbing needed at specific location as shown or listed on the maps. The new service line replacement and connections will be based on field conditions per each replacement to allow for the most ideal replacement location based on complexity of each various location. This work also includes surface restoration with various pavements, curbing, and sidewalks. This work shall include all labor, supervision, materials, supplies, transportation, equipment, and services necessary and required to perform the project as set forth in the Contract Documents.

Estimate: Not Available

Bid Date/Time: 25-FEB-2025, 10:00 a.m.
Bid Location: City Clerk
Marshall City Hal
201 S. Michigan Avenue
Marshall, IL 62441

Project Manager: Roger Nuxoll, Sr. Land Surveyor

Project Contact: 217-342-5668  (


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