For additional project information or assistance, please contact: Anneliese Busman - ph: (309)663-8435
VHA Mer Che Facade Renovation
Project Number:
Vermilion Housing Authority
Danville, IL
Vermilion Housing Authority is inviting sealed bid proposals from interested and qualified parties for Mer Che Facade renovation, located at 723 N. Oak St., Danville, Illinois 61832
This project consists of construction of remove all existing brick on the east and west facades of the apartment building. Install new thin brick system on first level and eifs above the first level.
Not Available
Pre-Bid Date/Time:
04-MAR-2025, 10:00am CST
Pre-Bid Location:
Mer Che Apartments, 723 North Oak, Danville, IL 61832
Bid Date/Time:
13-MAR-2025, 2:00pm CST
Bid Location:
VHA Main Office: 1607 Clyman Lane, Danville, IL 61832