Project Information

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For additional project information or assistance, please contact: Angel Terrell  Email Me - ph: (309)663-8435 

CDBG 7th Avenue Watermain Replacement
Project Number: 0240401.00

Client: Village of Phoenix, Illinois

Location: Phoenix, IL    

Description: The Project scope includes watermain replacement of approximately 900 feet along Seventh Avenue between 152nd Street and to 153rd Street in the Village of Phoenix. Work specifically involves installation of a new watermain via trenchless construction (HDD), replacing hydrants, water service reconnections, curb and sidewalk removal and replacement and abandon of the existing watermain.

Estimate: Not Available

Pre-Bid Date/Time:05-SEP-2024, 10:00 a.m. CST
Pre-Bid Location:Village Hall
633 E 151st Street
Phoenix, IL

Bid Date/Time: 19-SEP-2024, 11:00 a.m. CST
Bid Location: Village Hall
633 E 151st Street
Phoenix, IL

Project Manager: Jose Raya

Project Contact: Jose Raya  (

Add'l Information:The bidder is specifically advised that the Village of Phoenix is a sub-grantee of the County of Cook grant pursuant to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, pursuant to an agreement entered into between the County of Cook and the Village of Phoenix. Payments to the contractor will be made by the Village of Phoenix only after it has received the funds to make such payments from the County of Cook in accordance with the terms of the IGA agreement. Further, in compliance with the Stevens Amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 1989, the (estimated/actual) percentage of a total cost of this project to be funded with federal dollars is thirty- five (35%) and the exact dollar amount of federal funds which will be set aside for this project will be based on the contract amount awarded under this offering.


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