Project Information

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For additional project information or assistance, please contact: Ella Broche  Email Me - ph: (217)528-3661 

Kickapoo Rail Trail Trailhead Pavilion
Project Number: 0240248.02

Client: Urbana Park District

Location: 2205 East Main Street, Urbana, IL 61802    

Description: Furnish all labor and materials to construct the Kickapoo Rail Trail Trailhead Pavilion, located in Urbana, IL. The pavilion will be a new prefabricated steel site shelter that will provide restrooms and drinking fountains for visitors of the trail. A janitorial room with mop sink will be provided for facility maintenance and storage. The structure will consist of concrete foundations and a slab on grade. The exterior walls will be constructed of a mix of split-faced and standard concrete masonry unit (CMU) and fiber cement siding. Site demolition work includes removal of portions of existing gravel parking areas, existing wood site fencing, and existing trees as indicated on the contract documents. New site improvements include providing an area of concrete paved parking, new concrete paths to connect the pavilion to the existing trail system, grading, seeding and an area of new plantings.

Estimate: Not Available

Pre-Bid Date/Time:21-JAN-2025, 10:00 AM CST
Urbana Park District Planning & Operations Office
1011 E. Kerr Ave, Urbana, IL 61802

Bid Date/Time: 29-JAN-2025, 2:00 PM CST
Bid Location: Urbana Park District Planning & Operations Office
1011 E. Kerr Ave, Urbana, IL 61802

Project Manager: Scott Burge

Project Contact: Scott Burge  (

Add'l Information:Proposals must be addressed to the Board of Commissioners, Champaign County Forest Preserve District. See Bid Advertisement for further important detailed instruction.



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